Yesterday | Teen Ink


September 18, 2012
By KrisNoe GOLD, Mayfield, Kentucky
KrisNoe GOLD, Mayfield, Kentucky
16 articles 7 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't pay no mind to the demons. They fill you with fear.
- Phillip Phillips

As I sit here all alone,
Reality slowly fades into nothing
And memories and moments
Once again become my world.
I can escape to a time
Of you, of me,
Of us.

I can see you holding me tight.
Chasing away my tears and fears.
Tenderly kissing me good-night.
All of these sweet memories
And more cloud my mind.

And for a moment
I can almost believe it’s real.
Then tears began to burn my eyes.
And slowly,
I remember.
That was yesterday.

The author's comments:
What inspired me was the fact that I love my boyfriend a lot, but we can't be together. I can hope for the future.

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