Music | Teen Ink


August 14, 2012
By darkangel197 BRONZE, Big Bear Lake, California
darkangel197 BRONZE, Big Bear Lake, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees dawn before the rest of the world."

The thing that can make anyone smile even when they are so close to falling

It's everywhere we go, everyone likes it's different sounds, for some it's just noise but for others it's hope that everything will get better someday

Everyone uses it every day, in the words we say or rhythm in everyday life, it can be happy or sad or just plain fun in general

It has saved lives and inspired many to achieve their dreams, it can be a simple sound or a magnificent combination of all the tunes in the world

It is music, it's a generation and another and another, everywhere it's always been there,just helping and again, beautiful. It just takes a second to stop and listen.

The author's comments:
Music is my inspiration for everything. If I feel upset or angry I listen to music.

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