Mirror | Teen Ink


June 9, 2012
By KSpain BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
KSpain BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

When I look into the mirror I see someone.
I see the little girl that I once was.
I see a face of pain, I see that sad reality that was my own.
I see years of bullying.
Then, I look again.
I see the new girl.
I see the girl smarter then she looks.
I also see the girl picked on again.
I see the new wounds making the old ones worse.
I see the changes that I tried to hide from.
Now, I look one last time.
I see me.
I see the girl who struggles alone with her problems.
I see a girl starved from love.
I see someone who is scared to look for a real friend.
I see trust issues.
I see a girl still hiding.
I see a girl who sheds tears daily.
I see someone lost.
I see the girl that is not as smart as she once was.
I see the girl locked with chains of despair.
I see what damage I blame myself for.
I see myself slipping.
I see defeat.
And before I look again,
I break the mirror.

The author's comments:
It kind f revolves around the way I feel a lot. I don't know if you'll like it. It may not be for you, but at least give it a try.

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