My Spectacular Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Spectacular Best Friend

June 7, 2012
By mercedess BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
mercedess BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Spectacular Best Friend
Because of your amazing compliments
also your adorable laugh you always
have time to make other peoples day.

Because of your spunky style
with the pencils skirts, lace shirts
with a matching tank top to that
perfect pair of flats you always
look beautiful no matter what.

Because of your addiction
to fast clicking on your phone
to your adventure trips around
the school with your friends
you always have time for me.

Because of our virtual conversations
at 10:00 pm to our every day class
we always make time together
to have a good laugh.

Because of your great sense of humor
you managed to find a way to change
Momentum which in scientist case it
is a measure of motion, but in your case
it means whoa men yum.

Because of your beautiful smile
to your obsession with Play boy
cologne we always manage to
share the sweet smell of the
amazing cologne with each other.

Because of your great personality,
your obsessions, the virtual conversations
we share. We will always share
secrets with each other.

Because of your ability to understand me
when I'm at my worst towards the fact that
you Kiwi Love Yang will be my Best Friend
for the rest of my life.

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