My Bucket List | Teen Ink

My Bucket List

June 2, 2012
By _jonieanne SILVER, Canoga Park, California
_jonieanne SILVER, Canoga Park, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We fear rejection, want attention, crave affection, and dream of perfection."
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That's why it's also called present."

Before I die, I want to travel the world 
First stop in Paris, then London, then Spain. 
Go shopping, go crazy, and meet someone new, 
And hopefully I'd be able to by a Louis Vuitton too!

When I go to London, I hope I'll meet One Direction
And dedicate a song to me about perfection. 
Then, I'd like to see or meet the Queen, 
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,
And possibly, Prince Harry!!!! 
Then off to shopping again!

Second to the last stop is Spain. 
And for a change, I'd like to try some champagne. 
Then walk the old stone streets,
And hear the music of a guitar trying to lure me 
To give them change. 

Last stop is Italy, 
And probably I'll go to Asia next,
But right now, I want to see the Colosseum,
Eat pizza, 
And see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 
Then off to shopping again!! 

Hopefully, I'll travel Asia next. ?

The author's comments:
Well, this whole piece was inspired of my bucket list. This was an assignment for my English class about Line poetry. I know it doesn't seem like line poetry, but my teacher said it was ok and adorable!

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