My Place of Nothing | Teen Ink

My Place of Nothing

May 21, 2012
By DeanSamuels SILVER, Paris, Illinois
DeanSamuels SILVER, Paris, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I've never cried so much or laughed so hard or had so much fun all in one experience."

Eyes closed.
I could see it.
Eyes closed so tightly,
So tightly that it felt
As if I was not really closing my eyes at all.
The calmness of nothing.
Nothing was so nothing
It seemed like something.
There in the distance,
More nothing.
Not still, but not moving.
There was something.
The smell, none.
The sound, none.
The taste, none.
The only thing there was I,
Myself alone.
The burdens of life vanished.
The responsibilities of life depleted.
The reality, gone.
If there was nothing,
Could find nothing, nor see nothing,
There was something.
I could feel it.
Sense it.
That something of nothing.

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