Betty | Teen Ink


May 28, 2012
By maya123z PLATINUM, Grove City, Ohio
maya123z PLATINUM, Grove City, Ohio
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silly old woman.
If only she could hear how insane she sounds.
Getting on in the years, I suppose.
Honestly! I don't know what she could have against dear Betty.
She's only five, after all.
Get a new maid? No, I've never considered it.
Perhaps I will, if Gladys keeps scaring my little girl.
Oh, she says many cruel things.
That she's a demon, or a ghost.
That I'm crazy.
(Ironic, isn't it?)
On her worst days, she'll screech at me like a raving lunatic about Betty being dead!
Poor child, she's terrified of Gladys.
Have you met Betty?
No? Well, I must have you over some time.
Perhaps after we've drunk our coffee, if you're not busy?
Ah, splendid.
What's that?
No, Betty's not been sick in months.
Leukemia? My goodness, where did you hear such a thing?
No, no, of course not. Betty's in perfect health.
Yes, odd how rumors appear sometimes.
Drink up now, my friend.
Betty will be so pleased to meet you.

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