In My Own Little World | Teen Ink

In My Own Little World

May 6, 2012
By Pickle23 SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
Pickle23 SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my own little world,
I could be free as I wished.
My imagination unfurled
The mystical world around me, garnished.

In my own little world,
I could fly high in the sky.
In the air I was hurled,
I saw planes pass by.

In my own little world,
I could be anything I wanted.
I could be a bird that purled,
Or a deer that fleeted.

In my own little world,
Everything was perfect.
Life was not knurled,
Everything just clicked.

As I came to reality,
I understood one thing.
That even though it is a little crazy,
This is your real world,
Make the world fit for you.

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