friends | Teen Ink


May 18, 2012
By kyle keen BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
kyle keen BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Some can be your best friend and some you want gone
Some can make you laugh and some can make you mad
Some you can trust and some you can’t
Some you can talk to all the time and some only talk when they want something
Some you can tell anything to and they won’t tell and others tell people 5 mins later
Some will keep a promise and some will leave you hanging like a wet dish cloth
You don’t know why your still friends with them but you still are
You want to tell them a piece of your mind but you can’t
You don’t know why you always talk to them but you end doing it anyways
Sometimes you wonder if you will realize who you’re real friends are that have been
There the whole time.
You never want to see them again but when they text you to hangout you go right over.
You give them respect but they give you nothing.
Some will be your best friend but when one of their other friends gets there they turn into
a different person.

The author's comments:
my friend mad me mad one day

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