The Truth Behind Life | Teen Ink

The Truth Behind Life

May 9, 2012
By Niupid BRONZE, Santo Domingo, Other
Niupid BRONZE, Santo Domingo, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the beginning, it’s easy. People help you get through them. Some persons don’t even get a chance to participate, they just get denied by the administrators. After time, you start learning for yourself and people stop helping. You don’t feel scared when you see the really big obstacle and the little ones are like taking a lollipop from a baby. There are obstacles that you will spend a little more time on and some that you will cheat on when nobody is looking and you will have that obstacle incomplete for the rest of the race. Some people will to stop you in the middle of it of the race and just finish it for you or they will leave your body there, forgotten. When you’re getting to the end, it gets darker. The people that were there to help you at the beginning have already finished the race or they have been stopped in the middle of it. You are forgotten. At the end, there’s a grim holding the door for you. When you ask for the price, you then realize you just had it, you got to live the obstacle race.

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