Think like a Man | Teen Ink

Think like a Man

April 21, 2012
By l.o.v.e SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
l.o.v.e SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

See me I think like a Man,but i know when to act like a lady.I may seem like a average lady ,but in my head I am 5 steps ahead.I act like a lady but I know I can't get my heart broken like a lady,so I play by the man's rule's.Your so busy trying to play me you have not noticed I'm playing you.Men think us women are not smart enough to play there game but as little as they know we think like a man.We know the little game's ,the little trick's.We know in this world we got to act like a lady but think like a man.We know we got to keep our legs closed,but our mind open.So we act like a lady and think like man.

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