The Shadow | Teen Ink

The Shadow

April 13, 2012
By CrescentKeeper PLATINUM, Perry, Utah
CrescentKeeper PLATINUM, Perry, Utah
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Give Credit Where it's due

The ghost is the one who listens
But is not there
He is the shadow of a person
A solid with no substance
He is the one who cares
But does not show it
He can only be seen
By those he trusts
He cannot see color
For he has none
Once he loved
But lost it in the rising tide
He knows but cannot share
His knowledge
Cannot tell his sorrows
For he trusts no one
You never see emotion
Because he likes to hide
Anger nor happiness
Is there
He says one thing
But means another
He is the shadow behind you
For Shadows are an imprint
Of a person

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