Hey, Lady | Teen Ink

Hey, Lady

April 5, 2012
By EddieT SILVER, Vancouver, Other
EddieT SILVER, Vancouver, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw you
I saw you, with your clean, permed hair
Your Armani Exchange sunglasses
Your Aeropostale blouse
I saw you ignore him
I saw you looking away when he begged for a meager dime
Your thoughts? "What a mess"
I saw you pretend, like a prima donna actress
I saw you, high heels clip-clop on the sidewalk
Faster, their consistency
To not give any thought
Or to talk about how others seem to lock out their brains
From reality of the city
Zero-pity is what your belief is
To creep back to the comforts of a Robson Street job. Don't sob.
Please, just remember that I absolutely, definitely, positively saw YOU.

The author's comments:
Met a homeless man in Vancouver. Asked for a dime, so I gave him some change. I asked him how he felt being ignored all the time. He never answered.

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