Remind Me how To Fly | Teen Ink

Remind Me how To Fly

March 18, 2012
By jpj2218 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Oregon
jpj2218 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Way to many to pick just one...

All I wanted,
Was a simple word,
A text or a call,
Something to prove
That you still cared
For what I worked so hard
To gain.

You say your busy,
I know it's true.
I wish I knew you worse
So I could believe it
When you told me
It's not only you.

The days I waited,
The hours I spent,
Staring at my phone,
Awaiting that promised call
The tears they flowed
Against my will
When I realized
It wasn't coming at all

The days were bleak,
My smiles fake
Laughing nothing but forced.
The minutes passed slowly
Waiting to be called out
For what I thought
Would be hard to miss.

I guess I was wrong,
They don't know me so well
To tell when I need a friend
The signs were all there,
I know they showed through,
So why did no one care?

I suppose they'd call it
Giving up.
What happened to me that day.
Your simple text,
It came just in time
To save my sorry life.

A flickering light
I started to see.
A glimmer of hope
In the depths of my heart,
Beginning to reignite.

We talked for hours,
I hear your words;
An apology with every line
I wish it were so simple,
But friend
That's not enough.

You left me dear,
When I needed you most.
I wish I could forget,
The pain you put me through,
With no one there to hold
The tears never far
From my eyes.
Not again,
Can we be quite the same
As we were back then

What I wouldn't give
To go back
To relive those years we had
Before the time
You let us drift apart
That thing
I could not name.

Don't take this wrong,
Know I am grateful
For what you've been to me
Your love, your trust, your faith,
The way you know me,
Better than I.

What I'll never forgive you for,
I thank you for teaching me:
Not even the most permanent thing
Can last forever,
It's bound to fall apart,
No matter how hard
You work to keep it together.

My dear friend,
I hope you are able
To rebuild my shattered trust,
And prove to me
You're worth the wait.
Help me heal my broken wings,
And remind me,
How to fly.

The author's comments:
This was one of my first peoms, I wrote it when I was having a really hard time with life in general and my best friend kind of bailed on me, leading to our first fight. please leave feedback, positive or negative, thanks!

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