Living with love | Teen Ink

Living with love

March 18, 2012
By Jasmiinhope GOLD, Cloquet, Minnesota
Jasmiinhope GOLD, Cloquet, Minnesota
19 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
What if you could lose weight by feeling pain? Do you know how skinny i would be?

You know those really romantic movies
where your crying or laughing by the end
because your so happy?
and deep down
you get terrified
because you know
that there is such a big possibility
that you'll never find
that one absolutely perfect person.

but everyday
I wake up
and never have to feel
terrified like that
because there are two people
that love each other so much
they where so meant for each other
not just in love
but sole mates
she was his puzzle piece
and he was hers

and so every day when I see these two people
I'm never afraid that love won't find me
because I will always know
that love that deep
really does exsist in the world
and I can't help but to think
how lucky I must be
to witness something so magical

The author's comments:
Luv you tori, luv you dad

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