We wear who we are | Teen Ink

We wear who we are

March 16, 2012
By Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Dreams are like the twin towers

Everybody wear who they are or who people want us to be. If you want to be a classy person you dress classy,if you want be trashy you dress trashy. When people want to be somebody they dress like they're somebody. Clothes in away define who we are as people. Some people have that might think there a bad person and they even dress like one but that person might want to be different and want people to think different things about them do they change there sense of style. Clothing also might define how we feel when people are angry,sad they dress edgy,covered or dark so people can no how they feel. Every teenager want to define thereself so they define them self by clothing.

The author's comments:
The abc family show Jane by design inspired me. I realized that clothing sometimes define who we are or how we feeling at

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