ode to my kettle | Teen Ink

ode to my kettle

February 29, 2012
By zhang0876 BRONZE, Waltham, Massachusetts
zhang0876 BRONZE, Waltham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I take my kettle across half way
of the earth.
Start a new life with me.
Keeping warm, in winter.

I embrace her as the infant
and worry about is she falling
on the frozen ground.
She is so good looking which my mundane eye
cannot understand when
the first time l met her.

Covered in white suit as
the same as snow.
Look at her from distance
like a vivacious snowman trying
to play hide and seek with me.

She is so naughty when l plug
her in the outlet.
She attracts me by shaking her curvery body
and makeing graceful sound.

The small dancing vapor is coming out
like the elegant ballet showing me a gorgeous performance.
She ;eaves a sense of felicity by melting away.

The moral of my ode is this:
She warms me in winter and
the sense of sweetness she gives
takes me whole life to taste.

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