Why I Live | Teen Ink

Why I Live

March 7, 2012
By WhatChair BRONZE, Springfield, Virginia
WhatChair BRONZE, Springfield, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I find
That Life is what happens
When an individual is brave enough
To dive into himself so deeply
That he finds himself fearful among the Weeds of his life
And yet
He manages to find an untouchable joy
In a wrinkled, blood stained Flower
That is considered to be the least of all that is in the Garden
But is, in open truth, a flower
That has so much more worth and meaning that any other
That the Weeds
Which ravage every other plant in the Garden
Will never be able to harm a Flower such as this one.

The author's comments:
God's given me his great love, even though the things I did warranted His hate. Life is what I've been given thanks to Him who loves everyone more that we know.

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