On the Floor | Teen Ink

On the Floor

February 24, 2012
By Tripp BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
Tripp BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart you took from me, and left me on the floor to bleed. You said you didn't need me, as you left me on the floor to bleed. The dark is inviting me in. Telling me it will take away this pain you gave me. I cry out as the pain repeatedly rips through me. The darkness takes away my vision. My chest is a void. My heart is gone. You took it with you when you left. I bleed on the floor as I let the darkness guide me in. I am slowly going numb. This pain is the only thing I feel. I need him here. I need him to close this huge hole in my chest, but he is gone. He has left me on this cold floor to bleed. I let the darkness take me away, and I breathe no more.

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