Your Birthday | Teen Ink

Your Birthday

February 18, 2012
By ArtsyToes16 BRONZE, Troy, Ohio
ArtsyToes16 BRONZE, Troy, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a birdie who flew with great might, through the snow and wind he had his destination in sight. He flew down to a seal and a polar bear too, and then he chanted, "Follow me, we have something important to do!" Along the way more animals followed, some barked, some roared and some even waddled! Before the birdie knew it there were hundreds of eager eyes, waiting for this day to come to give a big surprise. They all gathered together on a small little bay, they all chanted, "You deserve a zoo to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for my mother's birthday. She loves the fun, childish theme and the furry friends.

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