The Picture | Teen Ink

The Picture

February 16, 2012
By Emilylime SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Emilylime SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I can be who ever I want to be."

I hold the picture,
Of a stranger.
But he isn’t a stranger in my mind,
I have known him my whole life.
Just without meeting him.
My biological father,
A stranger in literal sense,
But not in a critical sense

I look up at you,
At the people who raised me,
Who I thought were supposed to protect me.
From this kind of heartache,
But you didn’t;
You were the ones that caused it

I don’t understand…
Why would you tell me this long lonely lie?
All of my life you have been telling me this lie!

You said you didn’t know
Then I find this?
This is my dad.

All my life I have been told lies,
For once in my life I just want the truth.
Is this guy my dad or isn’t he?

“We were just trying to,
Protect you.”
Say the people I live with.
I don’t care.
I have a right to know.
“He didn’t even want to know if
You were his,”
They reply
But that doesn’t matter to me
He is the only person who
It could be
My biological father.
Look at this picture
Then look at me
I look almost exactly like him

We didn’t want you to get hurt,
Is their excuse.
You knew I was going to look for him,
When I was 18 anyways!.
You had no right to keep this from me!
Rage pouring out of my ears
You back off
I run through the lengthy lively labyrinth
To get to my room
Dive into the bed under the covers
Curled up in a ball like an armadillo

Not wanting anything to do with anyone.
Just wanting my world to end
Not believing this lie of a life.

Everything I loved
Everything I believed

Everything has lost meaning to me.
You just let me live like this;
Believing everything you said
Was it all a lie?

This was something I would have
Appreciated knowing,
You know how much it means.
You knew the entire time.

My own “parents”

At least you say you’re my parents
But I know your not
Courtney is my mom
My dad is in the picture.

Krissa and David,
You’re just their understudies.

The author's comments:
This something that i wish i would have gone through with my parents but i did feel all of this. I wish i wouldve had the guts to say these thing to my parents

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