how is it you can love me | Teen Ink

how is it you can love me

February 7, 2012
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

Can you really heal these scars that go across my heart or are you just going be the mediscion that will take away the pain for now. Can you be the one that unlocks my door open or just be another reason i hide away. I'm being swallowed up again in the black whole of darkness that is my heart. The me you see is that really me or is just someone i want you to see so i don;t have open up. I know your words are true when you say you love me but there part me that has yet let you in yet i'm sorry. I am true when i say love you too the me that can love do love you more then you know. I am studdorn and selfish yet you can;t see that side of me that i have hid away from you eyes. When you look at me can you only see half of me or all what can you see and think. If only i could read your mind to know what your thinking messes with my head yet i'm glad you can't read my mind it messed up how many stuff i have still yet show you. My own darkness is my wall thats holding us back as we talk. My own selfishness is reason we can not see eye to eye you have a heart of gold and i have a black whole for a heart. Show me what i have not seen tell me why you can see and feel what i can not even express. Tell me why you take time for a girl like me because i can't understand what you see in me.

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