Angel Wings and Fairy Dust | Teen Ink

Angel Wings and Fairy Dust

January 18, 2012
By Hannibal GOLD, Chelsea, Michigan
Hannibal GOLD, Chelsea, Michigan
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

angel wings and fairy dust
mood rings and love with lust
an earring back and pizza tables
burnt out lights and Aesop’s fables
tickle spots and pressure points
dunce caps and burger joints
scratch and sniff point and laugh
dragons teeth and a wizard’s staff
silly rabbits are late for tea
sally sells shells by the sea
how much wood can a wood chuck chuck
four leaf clovers are good for luck
the ball and disc and puck and bat
love the game no matter where you’re at
winston churchill blood sweat and tears
now switch the flip and change those gears
bone and marrow jay and sparrow
roll the dice pay the price
full house straight royal flush
stop and start pause and rush
poster children lost in time
what if the rhymes don’t always rhyme
hands where I can see them behind your back
be the alpha of the pack
a canvas white and your page blank
write your story rise in rank
greet a friend on an empty road
stop and lighten his heavy load

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