Mi Amor | Teen Ink

Mi Amor

January 18, 2012
By Celina BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
Celina BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go where the love is not where it should be .<3.

As leaves fall and turn summer into a winter breeze
Her heart froze simultaneously then
Life itself became bitter and broken
Ice began to crack and melted into tears
That have fallen down her beautiful cheek
Because the skies were grey and absolutely
No on could take her pain away
Screaming silently she sang a winters howl
Facing up at the moon with a wild scowl
She became sicker thinking she found a cure
Loosing her humanity he calls out her name
She tries to run away she remembers his face
The roots of evil taunting her life
Breaking all the spaces where love use to hide
Dying inside she tries to leave the pain
In hopes she wont die in vein
There she met god and came to terms with humanity
Drowned by the sun she finally came to be at peace
Lying in a bed of roses
Piled so perfectly neat

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