Building character | Teen Ink

Building character

January 24, 2012
By christinajokisch BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
christinajokisch BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say if life gives you lemons,
Make lemonade.

But it is what I do with those lemons,
That describes me as a person.

I might be strong like a bull,
Taking down anything in my path, or
I might have the leadership of a lion,
And take action for what I want.
It’s my traits,
That describes me as a person
But, maybe I have developed
Through personal experiences.
Last second play calls,
Winning the science fair, or
Gaining that head position at work.
It’s my experiences,
That describe me as a person.

The hardest part of life is not knowing.
Knowing that my whole life is ahead of me,
And it isn’t paved out in stone.
It’s not the yellow brick road.
It’s a dirt road.
A muddy, dirt road.
With potholes and bumps,
And big, unnecessary rocks.
I will never know what to expect.

I will never know what to expect,
When I get thrown a pitch.
Will my first instinct be to swing, or
Will I wait for the next pitch?

Life naturally brings upon emotions.
I can take that emotion and use it to my advantage, or
I could just watch it take over me.
Like a cancerous cell taking over my body.
There will always be a bright side.
A positive side to everyday I am alive on earth.
With some people it may just take longer to get there.
Some may take hours.
For some it may take days.
But either way,
Depending on how I start my day,
Will describe me as a person.

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