Prejudice Christians | Teen Ink

Prejudice Christians

January 12, 2012
By nkoetz2160 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
nkoetz2160 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A list of rules by which they judge
Yet of all the rules the first is to love

So many spirits they have helped to break
In spite of their mission to seek and save

Now here I am in the midst of them
But these people, they are, they reveal their sin

Imperfection here seems to be the norm
But then again I have heard this before

As the music plays and tears begin to flow
From the speakers eyes his love begins to show

My mom, my dad, they feel it too
Something wonderfully and refreshingly new

Some sort of feeling I can’t explain
But each time I go back I feel it again

Now I feel it everywhere I go
My life is changing indefinitely I know

Joy and peace are now commonplace
The pain is slowly beginning to be erased

A list of rules we refuse to accept
Hearts filled with compassion we refuse to reject

The stereotype we victoriously defeat
Family we are with the same heartbeat.

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