I am This | Teen Ink

I am This

January 11, 2012
By Mystery311 BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
Mystery311 BRONZE, Pleasantville, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This Is what it feels like.

It hurts to realize.

Scorching so painfully.

It's so hot, it burns.

Don't leave me.

It breaks me.

You can see me, can't you?

It doesn't matter how hard I try.

How can you not feel it too?

I felt you stir inside.

What is it you don't like?

I can only change and do so much.

It doesn't matter, does it?

I can't make you care.

Please don't hate me.

I am this.

You made me crazy.

I am this.

You changed the way I felt.

I am this.

I fell for you.

I am this.

I love you.

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