The One That Got Away | Teen Ink

The One That Got Away

January 11, 2012
lauraq16 SILVER,
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why they call it the present."- Anonymous

We had a deep connection.
You were someone I could share everything with
But when it came time to leave
I didn’t know how to say goodbye.
So I didn’t.

My heart is breaking,
Wondering what would’ve happened
If I would’ve taken that chance.
Would it have back fired?
Or would you feel the same way,
Holding me in your arms right now,
Telling me you want this moment to last forever.
God only knows.
Maybe someday we’ll meet up,
And hopefully I’ll take that chance, but until then I’ll be wondering if our lives would be any different.

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