A Shopping Trip | Teen Ink

A Shopping Trip

December 29, 2011
By rememberlife BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
rememberlife BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What happens on the other side of the mirror
where light is reflected
where you see the eyes of the beholder

where you try to find answers
a glass portal
to what you lost
is everything back there?
All that is gone?

I imagine it's a shop of Lost Things
where your past lies
dormant like the dog you once had
sleeping under your baby blanket.

There's a counter mantained
by a shallow, ignorant fool
bowls of cut hair
and even the family pool
trunks open
to stuffed animals left behind.

However, it's the place underneath
in a trapdoor under the stained carpet
where the people lay

the smell going down
is of mint and nostalgia
and they're there
everyone you've lost
to illness
to death
to bridges burned
to moving away
and to love.

They're there, and they are waiting to breach
break away
from the dark, lonely place.

So come to the other side of the mirror,
I say
I'm here, I can take you away!
I'll take care of you
treat you well
and never again
will you return to this place!

I love you all,
isn't that enough?
I want to bring you with me
so that this empty bleeding hole in my chest
can be mended.

But they say they can't,
they must stay forever
they're in your hands
reflected in your eyes

You can chose to find some
back in YOUR mirror world
but we remain here
for this is the shop of Lost Things-
no one said we would be found.

So I retreated, back up the dusty steps
I exited the shop,
so this is where I'm left
staring at the eyes
that will always stare back
thinking of only
what was lost in the past

But if I turn around,
I might find the shop of Found Things
and for all you know
it may be right across the street
from the shop of Lost Things.

So I look behind me
and find that I was right
but getting to that shop
might be a lot harder than I thought

because found things have more value than the lost
I'm going to find
what I once lost
and fix this hole
that I call my heart.

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