Well here I am | Teen Ink

Well here I am

December 5, 2011
By Robert Creenan BRONZE, Clarence, New York
Robert Creenan BRONZE, Clarence, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A High School Senior
On the top
Looking down at the bottom
And they look right back
And all this time I wanted things to change
Not just for me but for everyone else
Yes I have changed but everyone else
Just stayed the same
Everything stayed the same
And it will always be the same
On the top
Or the bottom
The people who just fill the spots in this order change
On the top
Or the bottom
This isn’t glee or saved by the bell
You need to fight to get by
As a
Or a

The author's comments:
My name is Robert Creenan and I'm a first time submitter. I wrote this poem for my creative writing class. It's simple, and the spacing is all part of the poem

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