Why You are Awsome Betty | Teen Ink

Why You are Awsome Betty

November 29, 2011
By TravisJ. BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
TravisJ. BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Because of the immense care that you gave
Even though my sisters would rant and rave
Like they were raised in a cave
But they did care that you came, regardless.

Because if I had stuff to do,
That thanks to you,
I would get it done without a trip to the Loo.

Because of your grandson Thomas, his stature was quite fair;
He would often give me piggy back rides up and down the stairs.

Because of whenever my mom needed someone to babysit;
You would always be there and be over rather quick.

Because of your love for Betty Boop and Elvis, nuff said,
Even though one was cancelled and the other is dead.
You along with me loved them both,
More Elvis than Boop though.

Because of watching “The Price is Right”, and “Days of Our Lives” with you,
Even though I wasn’t a big fan of “Days of Our Lives”

Because of the way you walk in the fact of you don’t just walk, you strut,
Now this was before I knew what strutting was, and you did a pretty good job at it.

Because of how nice of an old woman you are,
From your red hair and glasses,
Down to your nice black shoes and dress with pretty flowers
All is about as pure as the sun is circular

Why are you looking at me like that?
Men can say things are pretty.

Because of being the best babysitter I’ve ever had
Like the Great Aunt I’ve never met
That also lived next door.

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