plastic | Teen Ink


November 25, 2011
By starnight SILVER, Danvers, Illinois
starnight SILVER, Danvers, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont listen, you might hear

Not real, plastic, all of it
perfect chip-less glass
empty, heartless plastic
med-less lithium
invisible needles
piercing my heart with each breath
alone, yet crowded
muffled brain
like static on the radio
white noise
the tears flowing
pooling underneath
smiling up at you
wondering why you did this to me
scolding myself for thinking such a thing
knowing its fair game
drifting back to the real world
gossip, jealousy, despise
i don't really like
wondering if laying that cross against my skin will relieve, revive
i must
i can't
too much pain, despair
scared to trust
stuck in a fake world
the pain of moving, making me stagnant
they say these are suppose to be the best days of your life.
plastic, all of it, not real
perfect, chip-less glass

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