Burden of the Truth | Teen Ink

Burden of the Truth

November 16, 2011
By Aizuki SILVER, Fontana, California
Aizuki SILVER, Fontana, California
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

She cries and cries
Her tears to heavy for her swollen red eyes to with stand
The pain in her heart is so surreal
She’s sorry, so sorry
She has no strength
She’s weak and it’s so plain to see
Her emotions only making her pathetic
The girl thought her suffering had gone away
Clearly it hasn’t
The world she lives in continues to rotate sideways
Traveling in the other direction
It makes her head spin
Her stomach full of knots feeling ready to heave
And she laughs such a heart broken laugh
Giving a fake shattering smile
How pitiable can she be?
What a frail fool to sob for a moronic reason
She’s too much to handle
Slowly the girl starts to believe that maybe something is truly wrong with her
Has she always been this way?
Or is it that she hurts because she loves?
Your innocent words hurt her because she truly loves you?
How sad is that?
This useless fool who is easily hurt
How can she possible love or be loved?
When at least a day she can honestly laugh
But were most of her days she wishes she never existed
Most days were she wishes she could just disappear and reappear where no one can find her
How could this wretched girl be me?

The author's comments:
I look back to myself and get the courage to write the true me that hides underneath the shell I call a lie, that is my inspiration. At first it seems that someone is simply describing someone else, but in reality it’s really themselves.

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