Now I Can Say Goodbye | Teen Ink

Now I Can Say Goodbye

November 9, 2011
By Lukeyrb13 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
Lukeyrb13 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Staring through the glass
Outside on the cool grass

I wonder if it was meant to be
If my love, you never seemed to see.

Why I put up with you
Was a mystery.

Was what you said completely true
About your feeling of you and me.

I thought I once knew what love was.
Its so confusing.

Its affection and attention that I miss
But it was me that you were using.

I now can say goodbye
Lift my eyes up to the sky

Now I’m a cynic
Not trusting anyone

Who tries to get close to me.
I only trust some.

The ones I know wont desert me
And leave me for dead.

I used to think I loved you
How’d I ever get that in my head.

I now can say goodbye.
Lift my eyes up to the sky.

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