Better Than The Last One | Teen Ink

Better Than The Last One

November 10, 2011
By Alexis-Serrano SILVER, East Windsor, New Jersey
Alexis-Serrano SILVER, East Windsor, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

People are people and they change.
The person you called best friend is now gone.
Now you don't know who to talk to at school.
You thought that person was always going to be there by your side.
They might have different reasons why they stopped saying "Hey What's up?"
They might have found another person.
They might have thought about popularity.
They might have had it all planned along.
But guess what? after a period of time someone else will come along.
They might be even funnier or smarter than the last one.
But remember as long as you can be you're self with them...
You'll be okay and safe and most important.
You'll be happy with the world and you're self.
Don't ever forget that there will be ups and downs but if it's a true friendship the downs will be blown away with the wind.
Just like that last person was.

The author's comments:
Friendship is just like a leaf,it can come in different forms but at some point they will be blown away from the this Earth..

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