Something to Remember | Teen Ink

Something to Remember

November 2, 2011
By Emeraldstar SILVER, Bland, Missouri
Emeraldstar SILVER, Bland, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Autumn gives me a chance
to change my ways.
I’m allowed
to correct on my past mistakes,
and give back part of myself
to the people I’ve hurt
and I should be helping.
I’m able
to start another year
of education, and learn
about the world and our own souls.
I think
about those who’ve come before us,
I ask them to give me strength and courage
to confront with my imperfections.

a crown jewel of the seasons,
Fall symbolizes our golden years of our life,
when I consider
what I have done
in this lifetime.
Have I done good
or evil?
Have I made right
or wrong choices?
Have I done enough
or too little with my gifts and talents?
I sometimes I can’t decide
what I could do or want to do.
Sometimes I’m influenced
by my peers,
being pushed to a bad decision.

I want people to know
and understand
there’s always something we can do,
something that all of us of this world
will never forget
and remember forever.

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