The storm through my window | Teen Ink

The storm through my window

September 27, 2011
By abbygabbyv SILVER, Springfield, Massachusetts
abbygabbyv SILVER, Springfield, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit in my basement,
While I wait for this arriving storm,
The wind whispers
With its soft bellowing growl,
The sky
A dark yellowish-green,
Hail falls
Bouncing off the ground,
Bright, yellow flashes of lightning,
Rain falls from the sky,
Puddles form
Filling cracks in the sidewalk,
Leaves rattle
And flow with the wind,
As the storm creeps closer,
The sound of an eerie train makes me shiver,
A gust of wind blows my window open,
Filling my basement full of:
Cold, wet rain,
Crispy, wet leaves,
Spheres of hail,
Gusts of wind,
Making me shiver,
I pray for this all to end,
All of a sudden,
The wind decreases its speed,
The sky turns back to its peaceful blue,
The leaves sit still,
Everything stops,
Everything is silent,
Dead Silent.

The author's comments:
This poem was written about natural disaster's that happen throughout the world and peoples response to them.

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