Stream of Consciousness | Teen Ink

Stream of Consciousness

September 27, 2011
By KaseyCossolotto GOLD, Moravia, Iowa
KaseyCossolotto GOLD, Moravia, Iowa
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The only way is no way." -Bruce Lee

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”

Write about what you're thinking...
About what you feel...
What if I don't know what I feel?
I mean... I do... I know what I feel... But...
What if I'm not supposed to feel that way?
What if I'm happy, but I'm supposed to be sad?
Should that make me feel guilty?

What's written on Jasmine's shirt?

What's The Umbrella Academy?
Back to my original train of though...
No? Not yet? Okay...

Summer owes me fifty cents.

Will she pay me back today?

The Umbrella Academy is a comic?

What's the comic Kathleen likes?

The one she mentioned at her house

Would Umbrella Academy be like it?

It looks just as dark and creepy cool.

I love creepy things...But not death...
Back again? For good? Are you sure?
I don't know... I guess so... for now...
So... Grandpa Jack is dead...
And your pet rabbit, Tiger...
She died two weeks ago...
And the one year anniversary of
Grandpa Denny's death...
It's coming up fast...
And Grandma Doris...
She died so long ago...
Some year, in September...
So long ago...
I was too young to remember...
And the girl from work...
They exclude you from their friendliness...
They ignore you... taunt you behind your back...
They don't listen to you...
So why aren't you crying?
Why aren't you upset?
I just... can't be upset...
Nothing can get me down today...
Because... There's a new light in my life...
Tell me...
His name, I can't tell...
I've known him only a short while...
But when I talk to him, I feel like I'm talking to my best friend...
We talk, you know... Flirt...
We want to date each other...
But each of us, in our own, separate pasts, has rushed into relationships before...
And we each got hurt, and cheated, and it ended badly...
So, we're talking things slow...
Normally, I would think that guy would want to take things slow because he isn't really interested...
I'm paranoid like that...
But when I'm with him... I can just feel like I'm doing something right...
He's my anti-depressant...
And each day, we get closer and closer to each other...
He always makes me smile, and he never makes me sad...
He is never really sad, himself...
I really like him...
He is so cute, and so sweet to me...
He's asked me, nearly begged me to come to his house...
Just to hang out... Just to talk, and relax...
I can't wait until I can go...
And I'm constantly waiting to see him again...

And now I'm confused...

Summer just handed me a half dollar

Not quite sure what to do with it...

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