I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

October 10, 2011
By alexcrawf BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
alexcrawf BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Just me

I am from Sundays,
where all that was seen was football on the T.V.,
I am from cat hair stained carpet stairs leading to the first floor, from carpet turned wooden, when I was surprised by my first puppy.
I am from my first swing set,
from the green grass that grew out of the ground,
I am from the long driveway leading to the front door,
from the tall trees scattered in a specific sequence around the grounds of the back yard,
the brown bird feeders, seeded in each corner of the fence.
I am from dogs barking just to bark,
from the cats running rampant through the darkness of night, and the fright you feel, when the yellow eyes sparkle back from shadows.
I am from a new house that turned into a home, from here it was known, that families are together all along.

I am from camping once a month in the shining sun, from night time, when the smoke showers us hours on end, no pretending or caring.
I am from worlds of fun, in Kansas City every spring,
from sinking into six flags fun in St. Louis every fall.
I am from winter weeks in Florida, and sea world, how I adored the penguins, sliding and slicing over the ice.
All in all we will be together fall to fall; sometimes families get knocked down but always stand tall.

I am from loony balloons every July, from my mind getting tangled in the mangled mess of booming works of fire, brighter than each star, lighting the sky.
I am from turkey at the far end of the table,
from the ladle laid in the gravy, dripping down the side of the bowl,
sipping from cider from an old apple orchard, and the green bean casserole, oozing out of the tray
I am from the bright tree on the first floor, door swinging open with a wide variety of family members that assemble in.
from all of the laughter charged by Christmas cheer, each year getting better and better.
I am from a family that will always stick together…forever.

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