The Most Glorious Loss | Teen Ink

The Most Glorious Loss

October 9, 2011
By Ghostwriter92 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
Ghostwriter92 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
45 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Your life is a gift. Accept it. No matter how screwed up or how painful it seems to be. Somethings are going to work out as if they were destined to happen... As if they were just meant to be"

Today is a glorious day!
A man and woman will come together.
Everyone is full of joy.
Families take pleasure in the moment.
Friends congratulate you
All except one
I see you and I feel betrayed.
Your love is towards another
stronger then ever
I'm lost in the moment.
I'm in the past.
Remember that argument we had?
Remember how we swore never to marry?
Remember when my turtle died?
Oh how time has past.
I feel abandoned.
A stab in the back
A smile is across your face
But all I feel is pain
I slowly walk toward my car
Trying to not look back
I take a glance back, only to see your new best friend.
I quickly jump into the car.
As I start the car, tears fall onto my face.
I quickly wipe them and drive off.
When I reach home I tear down all our pictures together.
I delete you from my contacts.
I burn all my memories of you.
And at the end I take a knife.
"It's over," I cry!
"Good-bye best friend!"
With that blood starts to drain.
It burns and stings
But in the end I leave this painful world
You left me first, I'm just finishing the deed forever.

The author's comments:
Marriage is a glorious thing, but with the good there is always the bad somewhere

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