Dance Together | Teen Ink

Dance Together

June 1, 2011
By Kayla Kallas BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Kayla Kallas BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

White as the snow, I know of prejudice,
how it winds into the willowing of others.
I know what “white” people have done,
I know also the people who stand for equality
don’t always equalize.

Races are treated unfair
on both ends.
Rude comments are made
on both ends.
Racist remarks root
into the soil of the soul.
Branches bury deep into the depths of our destruction,
slowly suck dry the respect,
where they build a home forever.

Have you ever heard an African American say,
“That’s why I hate white people?”
Cracker no longer represents a simple snack,
Dignity and respect
stolen with each bite until only
reminants remain.

Twisting tales, respect isn’t yours to take,
I may be “a little white girl,”
But it’s still just pointless prejudice.
I wonder where the line will be drawn,
Is it all right for things to be wrong?
We act like it’s a race to the finish,
Acknowledging each other only to pass by.

History is just a morbid memory. Today matters.
History is the past. We cannot forget.
To learn is the only gain,
pain remains only if you allow it.

Constantly we place ourselves high on a pedestal,
Constantly races are judged just from the outside,
But we’re all just a pebble in the river of life,
Placed parallel with proximity and chance,
Dance in the skin you’re in
and let me dance in mine,
we can dance together.

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