My Mind through The Elements | Teen Ink

My Mind through The Elements

July 14, 2011
By nickyphillips68 BRONZE, Rockford, Illinois
nickyphillips68 BRONZE, Rockford, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mother Nature At Her finest, Love finds a way through a flowing river.
Hate finds a way to vanish through Thunder.
Rain soaks through our skin, Feel Fresh and New.
The Wind carries on your every emotion and passes it to the next.
Lightning makes you open your Eyes to everything around You.
Gaia provides for all the Earth, Everything is Connected.
As it Thunderstorms think of what happened to Upset the Earth.
Each day brings Surprise and everyday that was will soon be forgotten, As the new day brings better memories.
Stay true to your Human Nature and act on your Animal Instincts.
Find your way to Peace through the clouds and one day others will find it through the Rain.
Let everything go and it will all work out as it should.
Let Music swim through our Minds and inspire Us.
Let all of Nature fill our Hearts and make Us feel Alive.
Take a moment to listen to the Trees whisper in the Wind and the Animals as they live their lives and let us learn from them.
Rise with the Sun and let everything go With the Moon
Retire like a star millions of miles away but still shine on for centuries to come.

The author's comments:
I was in a very deep mood when i wrote this piece..only time i cant really write something good.

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