The Friend | Teen Ink

The Friend

July 10, 2011
By taxidriver-logan PLATINUM, Plano, Texas
taxidriver-logan PLATINUM, Plano, Texas
28 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
‎"I am going to be okay." - AlmostTen

they appear out of thin air

come with no invitation

and stay
for forever
they make plans with you

for today


and days to come
they grow on you
change the person inside
alter the way you look at the world

and yourself
they open your eyes

your heart

your mind
until everything is no longer as it seems
they are your shoulder to cry on

an open ear

a late night snack

a last minute plan

a place to call home
they become apart of you

one that was hidden


to be awakened

to reveal itself in the most precious way
they save you from yourself

from the darkest part

the deadliest part

the most destroyed part
know you better than you know yourself
pick up on the little details

that you didn't know existed
little or big

they are always there


wanting to fulfill their greatest potential that they never knew existed
they are your home away from home
they become a piece of who you are
they leave an imprint

on your heart

your soul

your thoughts

your actions

your everything
they come
they stay

you are never alone
they keep you grounded
they keep you dreaming
they show you

how to learn




to live
everyday they are there
you may not see them

but you can always feel them

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