Hold On Tight | Teen Ink

Hold On Tight

June 17, 2011
By Lexi.N.L.92 BRONZE, Gridley, Illinois
Lexi.N.L.92 BRONZE, Gridley, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She's losing her grip on everything.
She's trying so hard to keep holding on,
but her grip is losing strength.
And she can feel that it's almost gone.
She's come so far from where she was before.
Or so she thinks anyway.
But day by day,
she loses her grip on something more.
That she's beat for now.
But used to do before.
Hurting herself was the biggest thing.
She found a way to stop,
but the urges are coming back again.
She had everything under control.
Now she's falling apart
and doesn't seem like she was ever even whole.
She's built herself up to be both mentally and physically stong,
but she's been trying so hard and so long that all that strength she had before is almost completely gone.
She's trying so hard to keep holding tight,
her hopes are high,
but inside she already knows she's going to lose this fight.

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