Are we Opposite | Teen Ink

Are we Opposite

June 28, 2011
By Shelby26Theatre BRONZE, Lavergne, Tennessee
Shelby26Theatre BRONZE, Lavergne, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is an act of faith and who ever is of little faith is also of little love.

We are looking at each other upside down,
your heart is where mine should be found,
where as mine beats on the glassy pavement ground,
your thoughts don't seem complex,
mine are essential to this make believe quest,
we run with the same forceful speed, but in opposite directions,
and somehow, no I don't quite know how...
we never met.
we know each other to the fullest
each sin we pray to avoid
wait we pray but we were opposite.
twins in only dislikeness,
how can this shine light on such darkness?
wait there again we are in the darkness and stillness of life,
we both want to jump,
but we must fight.
in fact we must fight the exact thing we thought we knew.
we are just alike
I know share my heart in the same spot as yours...
who knew.

The author's comments:
I had a few minutes to write this after school for a club with a college writing professor. He told us to look at a picture of a side walk and building and write, so this is what I came up with.

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