The Island | Teen Ink

The Island

June 26, 2011
By Doppleblog BRONZE, Rolling Hills, California
Doppleblog BRONZE, Rolling Hills, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you disappeared

And found yourself alone on an island

What would you do?

Who would you be with no one there to see?

When you returned from your solitude

Would anything change?

Would your true self be lost in the ocean in between?

Who would you be instead and why?

What would you have to hide

And keep lost on the island?

The island is unchanging—

A stalwart promontory against inconstant tides.

And when you need to be alone

It is only a short trip away.

It will welcome you with open arms

And there in solitude and silence,

It will accept you.

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