The Masquerade | Teen Ink

The Masquerade

May 22, 2011
By JoePolsky BRONZE, Ny, New York
JoePolsky BRONZE, Ny, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Masquerade,
of six digit phone numbers,
scrawled in bright pink lipstick across hot and sweaty palms
that quickly blur the symbols into smears of pink.
Of smiles,
wide and warm,
and of laughter that makes dark rooms shine bright,
but accompanied by marble eyes.
The Masquerade,
of words tempered in vats of malice,
that almost disguise
the love that hides beneath the razors edge.
The Masquerade,
of indifferent apologies
of phantom forgiveness.
It is a grand Masquerade,
cold, cruel, and graceful.
We call it life.

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