The Need For Happiness | Teen Ink

The Need For Happiness

May 13, 2011
By Anonymous

Shes having cocaine for breakfast.

Powders her nose it makes her feel beautiful.

Needy she is when she gets hungry.

For lunch she shoots up heroin.

Her veins pulsating satisfying its hunger quickly rushing threw her body.

The needle is her medicine it heals her for a few hours, but its all gone.

At night when happiness disappears and she has no more fuel left, she starves,she sweats the powder out.

Its no longer making her feel awake, no longer making her feel beautiful.

The heroin she shot up earlier no longer satisfy her hungry veins.

She feels empty,ugly,alone.

She wants something to make her feel happy,not someone.

Its money she needs to buy her happiness but its all gone.

So shes home alone,cold, the only thing she can do, and always does at the dark hours of the night when she cant sleep is hide in her bathroom.

As she shakes from her withdrawal she takes the razor she keeps near her sink and slits away the ugly.

She slits away the starvation the need for anything,the need for anyone.

She brings herself more pain to forget her need for happiness.

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