A Threesome | Teen Ink

A Threesome

May 10, 2011
By Anonymous

The only thing I want out of life
is to make believe
this tragedy
was only a sham
a game for three
you, me and Lucy
but everyone loses
and nobody wins
so I'll walk away and won't look back
in search of that
which can't be found in pairs
I came to you alone
leave the same way
left with only a name
no use trying to find me
I'll disappear for years
hear about me on the news
local searches for a body
only you will know the truth
can't find someone who doesn't want to be found
as you walk the streets
years later
you'll see a flash, a stranger with
at night you'll hold
the picture of us
from our college days
you, me and Lucy
tear stained frame
it rips gently down the middle
there's a time and a place
it has passed tonight
lay your head upon the sheets
being alone doesn't mean a thing
if you keep the wedding ring
regret everything
forget nothing
summer nights and winter days
we never did anything proper

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