Life Through a mirror | Teen Ink

Life Through a mirror

May 18, 2011
By monicanassralla BRONZE, Racho Cucamonga, California
monicanassralla BRONZE, Racho Cucamonga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I look at myself in the mirror
And every time, my reflection is different.
One time, I’m a mermaid,
5 years old and magic is everywhere.
I’m a warrior princess,
10 years old and Mulan is still my hero.
I’m an odd ball,
A teenager who doesn’t fit in with those most like her.
I’m a free spirit,
17 and I’m dependent.
I’m a dreamer of the things to come
I’ve found the love of my life,
18 years old, so young but so right.
I’m fiddling with the ring on my finger.
21 and we are perfect; its meant to be.
I’m in a white dress, my father in hand
23 and I wouldn’t want to walk to anyone else for the rest of my life.
I’m debating on pink or blue.
25 and the butterflies in my stomach have turned into kicks.
I’m holding my child in his baby blue room
26 and hoping I can half the mother mine was.
I’m at the park with my husband.
35 and we are blessed with 3 little angels.
I’m wearing blue, my youngest son in hand.
55 and my oldest awaits his bride.
I’m holding my grandchild in her powder pink room,
57 and life has come full circle.
I look at myself in the mirror,
And I see who I want to be in life.

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